Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In and out, like the burger

I wanted a cap like the doctors wear, so here I am...

So I had my Cath done yesterday. We had to check in at 6:30 and I was supposed to start at 8. We actually didn't start until 9:30. I was done around 2 and got moved over to Doernbecher's at around 9pm. I was feeling pretty decent but all I wanted to do was go home last night and every couple of hours I made sure to let Mom and Dad know it. But now I am home and uncomfortable but at least it's not being at the hospital. The doc coiled some more collateral blood vessels to help improve the blood flow to other parts of my body. Now we have to wait and see what the doc and other docs decide. They are supposed to be having a round table discussion in the next couple of weeks and decide then. So until then, I go back to my normal routine of being a stink butt. Love you all, Ayden

1 comment:

pbnjatabc said...

We love you very much Ayden and are praying for you to be a healthy, strong grandson!