Well, the last five days have been good and bad. On Sunday, I pulled a nice one on Daddy and yanked my NG tube right out, at 8 in the morning, no less. Nothing says good morning like something like that! Mommy came home from work and put it back in with Daddy's help. Then on Monday night, I decided to show Mommy my new trick and did it again. Only this time, I went the extra mile and did it while falling off the foot stool. I only fell about a foot or foot and a half. I am such a stinker! Mommy got it back in right away, though. But guess what, I have not been spitting up as much and consequently, I hit the 10 pound mark. Woo Hoo! Mommy and Daddy and big brother are so proud of me. At this rate, I hopefully will be 11 pounds by my procedure and maybe even well on my way to 12 pounds. Well, I best be going. Love you all very much. Ayden
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Little Michelin Man!
Well, the last five days have been good and bad. On Sunday, I pulled a nice one on Daddy and yanked my NG tube right out, at 8 in the morning, no less. Nothing says good morning like something like that! Mommy came home from work and put it back in with Daddy's help. Then on Monday night, I decided to show Mommy my new trick and did it again. Only this time, I went the extra mile and did it while falling off the foot stool. I only fell about a foot or foot and a half. I am such a stinker! Mommy got it back in right away, though. But guess what, I have not been spitting up as much and consequently, I hit the 10 pound mark. Woo Hoo! Mommy and Daddy and big brother are so proud of me. At this rate, I hopefully will be 11 pounds by my procedure and maybe even well on my way to 12 pounds. Well, I best be going. Love you all very much. Ayden
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another procedure on the horizon!
Well as you may or may not have heard, I will have to have another cardiac catheter done in August. The date will be the 22nd, a Friday. The plan is to be there only overnight and be back, sound as a pound, at home on Saturday. I had a doc appointment in Eugene today and it went really well. The doctor was really happy with my weight gain and how my heart sounded and looked on the echo. We also had an appointment with a feeding specialist that gave Mom and Dad a new idea on trying to get me to take a bottle and pacifier better. Like that is going to happen! But I am 9 and a half pounds and still going. Well I should be in bed, but instead I am doing this. Gotta go before I get caught by the Warden!(Mom) (That's what Dad calls her!)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I made the newspaper!
Wow, most of the time, when you make the newspaper in Roseburg, it's because you did something stupid and then you end up seeing my Mommy at her work for a long time! I am less than 3 months old, and already I have got to ride in two ambulances, an airplane and had two open heart surgeries. That is more than some people do in an entire life time. But other than that, I am doing good. I am now over 9 pounds and 21 inches in length. Well gotta run, very busy with public appearances now that I am a celebrity! LOL Love you all and here is the link to the article. Love Ayden.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Still an Ogre Baby!
I am a pooping machine! And it is nasty! But on a cleaner note, I am still gaining weight, still have my mohawk and I am still the cutest baby on the planet. Or at least that is what everyone tells me. As it stands right now, I weigh about 8lbs, 10ozs. Dad hopes that I weigh 9 pounds by next week. I have more doctor's appointments, one tomorrow and several in Eugene on the 15th. I have been sleeping in my bassinet all night for the last 3 nights, which is good. Since Mom had to go back to work, I can't sleep on her anymore all time, like I used to. Anyways, sorry I don't have more for you, but I have been really busy. I do get to see both of my grandma's every weekend, which is very cool. Love you all, Ayden
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