Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is getting really old!

So, I got discharged like my last blog said. Dad and Big Brother show up on Friday night and I thought things would get better, but my body said otherwise. I was very grumpy and pukey all night, just ask Dad. He slept with me in one bed, so Mom could have a break. Saturday, I was pretty much the same. Nothing really made me happy, and Sunday, the same. I was somewhat better that night, due to getting some Pedialyte that Grandma Sam brought me. So Monday rolls around and we go in for the tests. My X-ray looked great, my blood work looked great, but the ECG worried them. Not anything to do with my heart or anything, but more with my blood vessels. So that along with my grumpiness over the weekend made them decide to admit me back in the hospital. At first, it was hopefully going to be for a 24 hour observation period, but now it sounds like it will be for a few days. They are taking me off all the diuretics, because they think I was getting to dehydrated and they also thought they were trying to ween me off of the Methadone to quickly. So once they have these problems figured out, hopefully that will be the ticket out of Portland. I think they should make a new Snake movie starring me, "Escape from Portland" I have the scars for the role already. Anyhow, wish me luck and thanks for all of your support. My whole family really appreciates it. Love Ayden.

1 comment:

Josh said...


Hope things get better for you guys. My wife and I will be praying for you and I look forward to seeing you again.

McIntyre #7930