Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy little Bee

Well I have been extremely busy this last week. I am still in the hospital and they are still trying to find a way to make me better again. When I got here last week they put a tube in my chest to drain off the fluid collecting around my right lung. I still have the tube in my chest and it is still draining fluid. Apparently during my last Open Heart Surgery there was a duct that was cut. This particular duct is attached to the stomach and all the fat that you eat gets sorted out, sent through this duct, then the fat gets dumped into your heart. Well the fat is the liquid that is pooling its self around my lungs. I am on my very first non-fat diet and guess what? It tastes gross. I still am having a lot of drainage so they have me on a medication that is going to restrict the flow through that duct. I hope it works. I had a few bad days they have had a really hard time getting an IV started and they ended up poking me over 23 times in a span of only 2 days. After that I had enough so they started whats called a central line. Its basically an IV in a major artery. They gave me some really good sedatives that day. Well its going to be a few more days until I find out if this stuff is working. I will have an echo cardiogram done on Monday and hopefully all is in good working order. If it is I get to go home. If not they are talking about doing an angioplasty and seeing if that relieves pressure off of that duct. I am so glad that every one is helping my mommy and daddy they look very stressed. I know that with all your thoughts and prayers that I am going to be out of here very soon. Thank you so much for everything. Love Ayden


Nathan said...

Hi Bug Bug I sure do miss you alot. I think about you non-stop and I can't wait to see you. I love you very very much and I will see you and Mommy very soon.

pbnj said...

Hi Sweety-pie:

It was so good to see you last Saturday. You sure are growing big and strong! We are looking forward to seeing you when you get to come home again. We're all praying for you and Mommy and Daddy. Love you so much!

Grandma Penny