Monday, October 6, 2008

Good and Bad Day

Well we'll start with the good news. I have been upgraded from the ecomony to the luxury suite i.e. from the PICU to the Inter. CU. I have a IV, my feed tube and the sensors for my heart rate and my Pulse Ox. That's it. Now the bad news, I had some fluid coming out of my right ear on Saturday, which filled my ear canal. The ear doc came and checked it and got me a prescription for ear drops. Today he cleaned out my ear and said that my ear drum is perforated near the bottom. He took a culture and hopefully I will get a antibiotic for it tomorrow or Wed. As of now, I am very grouchy and gassy and overall very unhappy. Mom and Dad don't know why, but are trying to help as best they can. Anyways, gotta go to bed, they got me scheduled for a diaper's load of tests tomorrow. Write me back if you read this and are thinking about me, I would love to hear from you. Love Ayden


DORIS said...

We all have been praying for all of you--the Norwegian's are very concerned about you--we were so glad to see you--great grandma and grandpa send their love to you and you are in our thoughts.

Great grandma

Holsgem said...

Glad things are getting better little guy!! Sorry to hear about the ear infection and that you are feeling crappy!! Hope you feel better and get to go home soon!!!

aunttricia said...

Love you little guy! You hang in there, you are doing such a great job! It was great to get to hold you yesterday, hope to again soon.


Aunt Tricia