Sunday, October 5, 2008

Teeter-Totter Day

Well today kind of started out like Thursday did. I was really fidgety and could not get comfortable. It did not matter what they gave me, I would not sleep well. I was back on the nasal canula and they decided to put me on the CPAP machine. Well they were finally able to figure out what was wrong. I have a NJ tube, which instead of going to my stomach, it goes through it and into my intestine. They had me on 35ml feeds/hour and my body could not hold that in the intestinal tract. If it had been in my stomach, I would have been fine. So they got me back to 25ml/hour and I was fine after that. I had my chest tubes taken out today and also I am on room air, no canula or CPAP. They are also planning on taking out my Central line in my neck and just using an IV for me. Mommy got to hold me, for a while cause I got gas and then I felt better. I did finally go number 2, I haven't since Tuesday. That felt better. Anyways I will talk to you all later, Love Ayden.

1 comment:

pbnj said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Sweety. I can hardly wait until you come home! I bet Mommy and Daddy feel the same way. Lots of people are praying for you! Hugs and kisses from Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Garrett.