Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hold 'n Steady!

Well not a whole lot of changes today. I am still looking good and the important thing is I didn't take any steps back. The nurses and doc's told me that I get to drive this thing as fast I want and I feel like driving it like my grandma. Just kidding Grandma I love you:) Well I think I'm getting tired of this ventilator thing. Maybe I'll get it out again soon. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Love Ayden


Keri said...

Hey little man! So glad you're doing better. Been thinking about you. Keep movin' forward and come home soon! Tell your mommy 'hi' for me.
Love, Keri

pbnj said...

I'm assuming you're talking about Grandma Penny when you say you're driving this thing like Grandma! Remember, slow and steady wins the race--you just keep telling everyone that. We just want you better and we love you very much. See you soon, Sweety!

Hugs and kisses,

Grandma Penny

Holsgem said...

Good to hear you are holding steady Ayden...keep up the good work!!! I'll be praying that you get off that dang ventilator soon!!! Love, Hols