Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me! I am a whole week old today. I am doing a whole lot better also! I am completely off of the Epinephrine, which helped control my pressure. The nurses are also going to start weening me off of the Dopamine, too. The nurses are also going to start feeding me some of my mommy's milk through a tube in my nose, which makes me happy. I am hooked up to a respirator which helps control my breathing, but I am also being a big boy and taking my own breaths as well. All of my vital stats have been good, including my temperature, which kinda got high yesterday. I am also on a thinner, just like my Grandpa Ron, so my shunt does not get any clots in it, being as how it is only 2.5mm in diameter. Well that is it for today, I am pretty tired. I have been moving alot more lately. Love to everyone. Ayden

1 comment:

Holsgem said...

Thanks for the update, keep us posted!