Monday, July 29, 2013
Second trip to Palo Alto
Monday, July 15, 2013
Long time coming...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
In and out, like the burger
I wanted a cap like the doctors wear, so here I am...
So I had my Cath done yesterday. We had to check in at 6:30 and I was supposed to start at 8. We actually didn't start until 9:30. I was done around 2 and got moved over to Doernbecher's at around 9pm. I was feeling pretty decent but all I wanted to do was go home last night and every couple of hours I made sure to let Mom and Dad know it. But now I am home and uncomfortable but at least it's not being at the hospital. The doc coiled some more collateral blood vessels to help improve the blood flow to other parts of my body. Now we have to wait and see what the doc and other docs decide. They are supposed to be having a round table discussion in the next couple of weeks and decide then. So until then, I go back to my normal routine of being a stink butt. Love you all, Ayden
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Another trip, another Cath...
Yes, the time has come. I have another Cath scheduled, on Tuesday the 9th at 8am. Way to early to be up, especially for something like this. I mean if we were going to Disneyland, I could understand it... Anyways, wish me luck that it won't take too long and I will be back to my cantankerous rambunctious self before you know it. I love you all, Ayden.
PS this will be I believe my seventh Cath.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Long time no post
Bet you thought I had forgot about you. Never gonna happen. This last week has been kind of a mess for me. Friday, I came down with a fever and had it all the way through Monday. On Sunday, I coughed up a nasty looking thing. Here is what it looks like.
According to my cardiologist, this could be a cast of my trachea. He is wondering if I have what is called plastic bronchitis. Now I know that anyone who reads this will probably Google the term and get scared. I don't know if I have this, it is possible. Anyways, I had an echo yesterday and the doctor said that nothing had really changed other than the previous stuff. As for this stuff, the doc is going to order some tests to be done in the next couple weeks, along with a cardiac cath. I will be hopefully looking at just an overnight trip. Any ways, please wish me luck and keep me and my family in your thoughts. I will let you all know more when I find out. Love you all, Ayden
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Happy New Year!!! Oops my bad.
Well as you can see, I am still alive. I had a rough but good half of last year. I now weigh over 18 pounds, and I am just about to walk. I am a talking machine though. My favorite word is yes. I seem to have gotten over my phobia of other people. I ended up getting H1N1 in October but luckily Mommy and Daddy are on the ball. They kept me out of the hospital, hydrated and I was feeling better in no time. Big Brother and Mommy also got that crud too. Daddy lucked out. I had a great Halloween. I dressed up like a duck and I was adorable. Thanksgiving was good, I got to spend that at home and at my great grandma's house. Christmas was the best. I have never seen so much loot in my life. I went to my great grandmas on Christmas Day and then went back home, where I spent it with my Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother, gamma, nanna, papa, aunt tissie and uncle g. So far this year, I have gotten sick once with a fever for a few days, but otherwise I am doing good. I have a appointment with the Feeding Clinic in Eugene next Tuesday and a sedated Echo on the 31st of March in Portland. Other than those, no doctors unless all is not well. Well got to get back to terrorizing my parents and brother and getting into everything I can get my hands on. Love you all, Ayden.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'm still here !!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
1 year old
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I look like a turkey!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Another Surgery. What is that, like 4!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Feeling like a million bucks!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
So far, so good
Monday, January 12, 2009
Light at the end of a really long tunnel
Total number of hospital days since birth: 127 days (IF I get out tomorrow!)
Total number of days I've been alive: 263 days (Including tomorrow)
That is almost half of my life in the dang hospital. That is 4 holidays, and both of my grandpas birthdays, and two aunts and an uncle's birthdays. Anyways, just thought I would let everyone know how this has affected my life and what was going on. Wish me luck. Love Ayden
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I will get home someday :(
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Slow and Steady... Sort Of
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pretty Happy Boy

I am such a big boy!

Hard to believe there is a
car under that, isn't it!

Hi, did somebody order a Christmas Ham?
Well as you can see, I had a pretty good day. Unfortunately, Mommy had to go home today, to go back to work. It took her all afternoon to get there, cause of the weather. But she will be back on Saturday, weather permitting. Speaking of the weather, while we have been here, Portland has had more snow in the last week or so than it has seen at any other time in the last 40 years. Crazy! So, moving on, Mommy and big brother will get to see each other on Christmas Eve after Mommy gets off work and Daddy and I get to hang out in the dumb old hospital. But at least Santa is supposed to make a pit stop here Christmas Day, so big brother and I will get some good stuff. Hopefully, this weekend, I will get to see big brother, Grandma Penny, Grandpa Ron, Uncle Garrett, Grandma Sam and of course, Mommy! :) Well as far as my health goes, it's running it's course. I am on a slew of meds, including IV fluids. They have me on that, so the problem I keep having will heal and hopefully stop being a problem. I don't have any idea when I will be going home yet, but maybe by next year. :) Well, I am pretty worn out from being so darn cute. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and that I miss them and love them. Love Ayden.
P.S. Check out my links for the Elf Dance. It may take a minute to load, so be patient. It is worth it to see my family "dorking out".
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Back on 9, Unknown Direction

Saturday, December 13, 2008
This sucks!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas Ayden Clause

Friday, December 5, 2008
A little bit better, but not out of the woods yet!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Doing ok, but more stuff to be done
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Good mood, weird day.
Totally not wanting to be tubular!
Friday, November 28, 2008
So much for a good Thanksgiving
So here I am, sitting a hospital room, with a IV in my right leg, and another pleural effusion (that's doctor talk for build up of fluid in my chest cavity) on my left side now. They are giving me IV Lasiks, and saline through the IV and also giving me Aldactone (another diuretic) and potassium orally, along with my acid reflux med and methadone. They hope that giving me the extra diuretics will get rid of the extra fluid in my chest and hopefully will prevent me from having to get a chest tube put in. If this works out, keep your fingers crossed that it does, I hope I won't be here for very long, but if history repeats itself, I will be sending pictures of me wearing a Santa hat to everyone. NOT!!! Anyways, once again, Mom and Dad have had to drop everything, like work, to deal with this. I want to thank both Grandma's for taking care of big brother and also being there for Mom and Dad! Anyhow, wish me luck and I will be home before you know it. Love, Ayden.